Sex difference in the effect of environmental enrichment on food restriction-induced persistence of cocaine conditioned place preference and mechanistic underpinnings

Weiner, Sydney P; Vasquez, Carolina; Song, Soomin; Zhao, Kaiyang; Ali, Omar; Rosenkilde, Danielle; Froemke, Robert C; Carr, Kenneth D

Research Summary

Psychosocial and environmental factors, including loss of natural reward, contribute to the risk of drug abuse. Reward loss has been modeled in animals by removal from social or sexual contact, transfer from enriched to impoverished housing, or restriction of food. We previously showed that food restriction increases the unconditioned rewarding effects of abused drugs and the conditioned incentive effects of drug-paired environments. Mechanistic studies provided evidence of decreased basal dopamine (DA) transmission, adaptive upregulation of signaling downstream of D1 DA receptor stimulation, synaptic upscaling and incorporation of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors (CP-AMPARs) in medium spiny neurons (MSNs) of nucleus accumbens (NAc). These findings align with the still evolving 'reward deficiency' hypothesis of drug abuse. The present study tested whether a compound natural reward that is known to increase DA utilization, environmental enrichment, would prevent the persistent expression of cocaine conditioned place preference (CPP) otherwise observed in food restricted rats, along with the mechanistic underpinnings. Because nearly all prior investigations of both food restriction and environmental enrichment effects on cocaine CPP were conducted in male rodents, both sexes were included in the present study. Results indicate that environmental enrichment curtailed the persistence of CPP expression, decreased signaling downstream of the D1R, and decreased the amplitude and frequency of spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) in NAc MSNs of food restricted male, but not female, rats. The failure of environmental enrichment to significantly decrease food restriction-induced synaptic insertion of CP-AMPARs, and how this may accord with previous pharmacological findings that blockade of CP-AMPARs reverses behavioral effects of food restriction is discussed. In addition, it is speculated that estrous cycle-dependent fluctuations in DA release, receptor density and MSN excitability may obscure the effect of increased DA signaling during environmental enrichment, thereby interfering with development of the cellular and behavioral effects that enrichment produced in males.



38323217">Addiction neuroscience. 2024:10.





